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Discount 5 color flexo printing machine in china introduces the uses of printing machine

Discount 5 color flexo printing machine in china introduces the uses of printing machine

(Summary description)Discount 5 color flexo printing machine in china tells you that it is suitable for short-run printing units with many stations, and one machine can be used for multiple purposes. For special printed products with small batches, urgent delivery, and many stations, it is advantageous to use this type of equipment.

Discount 5 color flexo printing machine in china introduces the uses of printing machine

(Summary description)Discount 5 color flexo printing machine in china tells you that it is suitable for short-run printing units with many stations, and one machine can be used for multiple purposes. For special printed products with small batches, urgent delivery, and many stations, it is advantageous to use this type of equipment.


Discount 5 color flexo printing machine in china tells you that printing machine is suitable for short-run printing units with many stations, and one machine can be used for multiple purposes. For special printed products with small batches, urgent delivery, and many stations, it is advantageous to use this type of equipment.

Discount 5 color flexo printing machine in chinaDiscount 5 color flexo printing machine in china tells you that the parts of high-speed multi-color printing are standardized, common parts, product serialization is relatively high, and the design is advanced. Such as attached tension, side position, register and other automatic control systems.
Discount 5 color flexo printing machine in china tells you that the distance between each embossing unit of the short-distance array flexo printing machine is small, which is convenient for multi-color overprinting, so this kind of machine can be used to print small printed matters such as trademarks and packaging boxes with high precision. For printing materials with less stretchability, the overprinting effect is also better.
Through the above introduction and analysis of Low price 5 color flexo printing machine suppliers introduces the uses of printing machine, hope it helps you.


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